Redis master/slave setup on Kubernetes throwing error: BRPOPLPUSH { ReplyError: MOVED 2651 Redis master/slave setup on Kubernetes throwing error: BRPOPLPUSH { ReplyError: MOVED 2651 kubernetes kubernetes

Redis master/slave setup on Kubernetes throwing error: BRPOPLPUSH { ReplyError: MOVED 2651

Hitobat is right though.

If this doesn't help:

const Redis = require('ioredis');...const ioCluster = new Redis.Cluster([redisConfig.redis]);const slackQueue = new Queue('slack notifications', {  prefix: '{slack}' ,  createClient: () => ioCluster});const emailQueue = new Queue('email notifications', {  prefix: '{email}' ,  createClient: () => ioCluster});

I would go without ioredis or try to downgrade redis engine to 4.x.