Request entity too large error on Kubernetes environment only Request entity too large error on Kubernetes environment only kubernetes kubernetes

Request entity too large error on Kubernetes environment only

Nginx supports changing the max body size. If you're using a Kubernetes Ingress object you can do so in the following way:

apiVersion: Ingressmetadata:  name: myapp  namespace: default  annotations: "nginx" "letsencrypt-prod" 512m # Max body size for ingress.spec:  tls:    - hosts:        - ""      secretName: somehost-tls  rules:    - host:      http:        paths:          - path: /            backend:              serviceName: myapp              servicePort: 80

I don't know how you're running Nginx. It may be that you're running it in a non-ingress way. For that you can edit the Nginx config: Default nginx client_max_body_size