Rookv1.2 does not add labels on CrushMap Rookv1.2 does not add labels on CrushMap kubernetes kubernetes

Rookv1.2 does not add labels on CrushMap

I talked with a Rook Dev about this issue on this post :!topic/rook-dev/NIO16OZFeGY

He was able to reproduce the problem :

Yohan, I’m also able to reproduce this problem of the labels not being picked up by the OSDs even though the labels are detected in the OSD prepare pod as you see. Could you open a GitHub issue for this? I’m investigating the fix.

But it appears that the issue was only concerning OSDs using directories and the problem does not exist when you use devices (like RAW devices) :

Yohan, I found that this only affects OSDs created on directories. I would recommend you test creating the OSDs on raw devices to get the CRUSH map populated correctly. In the v1.3 release it is also important to note that support for directories on OSDs is being removed. It will be expected that OSDs will be created on raw devices or partitions after that release. See this issue for more details:

Since the support for OSDs on directories is being removed in the next release I don’t anticipate fixing this issue.

As you see, the issue will not be fixed because the use of directories will be soon deprecated.

I restarted my tests with the use of RAW devices instead of directories and it worked like a charm.

Crush Map with Racks

I want to thanks Travis for the help he provided and his quick answers !