Run Arango Shell (Arangosh) on a Kubernetes pod Run Arango Shell (Arangosh) on a Kubernetes pod kubernetes kubernetes

Run Arango Shell (Arangosh) on a Kubernetes pod

Posting this community wiki answer to point to the github issue that this issue/question was resolved.

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Here's how my issue got resolved:

To connect to arangosh, what worked for me was to use ssl before using the localhost:8529 ip-port combination in the server.endpoint. Here's the command that worked:

  • kubectl exec -it _arango_cluster_crdn_podname_ -- arangosh --server.endpoint ssl://localhost:8529

For web browser, since my external access was based on NodePort type, I put in the master node's IP and the 30000-level port number that was generated (in my case, it was 31200).

For Python, in case of PyArango's Connection class, it worked when I used the arango-cluster-ea service. I put in the following line in the connection call:

  • conn = Connection(arangoURL='https://arango-cluster-ea:8529', verify= False, username = 'root', password = 'XXXXX')The verify=False flag is important to ignore the SSL validity, else it will throw an error again.

Hopefully this solves somebody else's issue, if they face the similar issue.

I've tested following solution and I've managed to successfully connect to the database via:

  • arangosh from localhost:
Connected to ArangoDB 'http+ssl://localhost:8529, version: 3.7.12 [SINGLE, server], database: '_system', username: 'root'
  • Python code
from pyArango.connection import *conn = Connection(arangoURL='https://ABCD:8529', username="root", password="password",verify= False )db = conn.createDatabase(name="school")

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