Running `connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec` using kubernetes client corev1api gives bad request Running `connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec` using kubernetes client corev1api gives bad request kubernetes kubernetes

Running `connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec` using kubernetes client corev1api gives bad request

I wrote a simple program to check that:

from kubernetes import client, configfrom import stream# create an instance of the API classconfig.load_kube_config()api_instance = client.CoreV1Api()exec_command = [    '/bin/sh',    '-c',    'echo This is Prafull Ladha and it is test function']resp = stream(api_instance.connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec, "nginx-deployment-76bf4969df-467z2", 'default',              command=exec_command,              stderr=True, stdin=False,              stdout=True, tty=False)print("Response: " + resp)

It is working perfectly fine for me.

I believe you're using minikube for development purpose. It is not able to recognise your hostname. You can make it work by disabling assert_hostname in your program like:

from kubernetes.client import configuration config.load_kube_config()                                                 configuration.assert_hostname = False

This should resolve your issue.