Running Jenkins job with docker command on kubernetes cluster fails "docker: not found" Running Jenkins job with docker command on kubernetes cluster fails "docker: not found" kubernetes kubernetes

Running Jenkins job with docker command on kubernetes cluster fails "docker: not found"

/var/run/docker.sock is just the host socket that allows docker client to run docker commands from the container.

What you are missing is the docker client in your container.

Download the docker client manually and place it on a persistent volume and ensure that he docker client is in the system path. Also, ensure that the docker client is executable.

This command will do it for you. You may have to get the right version of the docker client for your environment

curl -fsSLO &&tar --strip-components=1 -xvzf docker-17.03.1-ce.tgz -C /usr/local/bin

You may even be able to install the docker using the package manager for your image.