Running Windows Docker Images on Kubernetes Cluster, installed on Windows 10 Running Windows Docker Images on Kubernetes Cluster, installed on Windows 10 kubernetes kubernetes

Running Windows Docker Images on Kubernetes Cluster, installed on Windows 10

rpc error: code = Unknown desc = image operating system "windows" cannot be used on this platform

Actually, we install kubernetes on windows 10 bash on Ubuntu, in this way, the bash on ubuntu works as a master, base on Linux, we can't run windows docker image on it.

As we know, kubernetes master should be a Linux, you have not other nodes, so we can't run windows docker image on it.

For test, you can use Azure container service and deploy kubernetes with windows nodes, in this way, we can run Windows docker image on the k8s windows nodes.

Hope this helps:)

If you want to set up a Kubernetes cluster with nodes running both Windows and Linux, you can give (kubernetes-windows-vagrant)[] a try. It uses Vagrant to provision the environment.

Instead of minikube you can use Docker for Windows with Windows containers mode on (Switch to Windows containers... context menu option from system tray).