Scaling GKE pods based on number of active connections per pod Scaling GKE pods based on number of active connections per pod kubernetes kubernetes

Scaling GKE pods based on number of active connections per pod

Ok I managed to figure this out by looking up the schema for the HPA (

In short, I was using the wrong metric type (as above you can see I am using "Pods", but I should be using "External").

The correct HPA specification is:

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1kind: HorizontalPodAutoscalermetadata:  name: hpa-uat-active-connections  namespace: defaultspec:  minReplicas: 3  maxReplicas: 6  metrics:    - type: External      external:        metricName:|nginx-ingress-controller|nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_connections        metricSelector:           matchLabels:            metric.labels.state: active            resource.labels.cluster_name: [redacted]        targetAverageValue: 5  scaleTargetRef:    apiVersion: apps/v1    kind: Deployment    name: [redacted]

As soon as I did this, things worked right away:

NAME                         REFERENCE                                 TARGETS        MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGEhpa-uat-active-connections   Deployment/bustle-webapp-uat-deployment   334m/5 (avg)   3         6         3          30s