send tomcat conf files to container using kubernetes send tomcat conf files to container using kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

send tomcat conf files to container using kubernetes

You could add a ConfigMap in your Kubernetes, from your tomcat config (files or a whole dir)

kubectl -n staging create configmap special-config --from-file={path-to-tomcat-conf}/server.xml

And then mount it on your pod (kubectl create -f path/to/the/pod.yaml)

apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata: name: tomcat-test-podspec: containers: - name: test-container   image: tomcat:7.0   command: [ "", "run" ]   volumeMounts:   - name: config-volume     mountPath: /usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml volumes: - name: config-volume   configMap:    # Provide the name of the ConfigMap containing the files you want    # to add to the container    name: special-config

Kubernetes docs