SinkBinding fails to inject K_SINK environment variable SinkBinding fails to inject K_SINK environment variable kubernetes kubernetes

SinkBinding fails to inject K_SINK environment variable

The SinkBinding object has a subject configured using a label selector:

subject:  apiVersion: apps/v1  kind: Deployment  selector:    matchLabels:      app: ease-pipeline-server

However, there is no such label set on the Deployment object:

metadata:  name: ease-pipeline-server  # no labels

The solution here would be to either:

  • add the corresponding label(s) to the Deployment's metadata

    metadata:  name: ease-pipeline-server  labels:    app: ease-pipeline-server
  • use a subject matching on the Deployment's name (API documentation)

    subject:  apiVersion: apps/v1  kind: Deployment  name: ease-pipeline-server