snipeit on kubernetes not running snipeit on kubernetes not running kubernetes kubernetes

snipeit on kubernetes not running

apiVersion: v1kind: ConfigMapmetadata:  name: snipe-it-configdata:  # Mysql Parameters  MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR: "address"  MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT: "3306"  MYSQL_DATABASE: "snipeit"  MYSQL_USER: "user"  MYSQL_PASSWORD: "pass"  # Email Parameters  # - the hostname/IP address of your mailserver  MAIL_PORT_587_TCP_ADDR: "<smtp-host>"  #the port for the mailserver (probably 587, could be another)  MAIL_PORT_587_TCP_PORT: "587"  # the default from address, and from name for emails  MAIL_ENV_FROM_ADDR: ""  MAIL_ENV_FROM_NAME: "Snipe-IT"  # - pick 'tls' for SMTP-over-SSL, 'tcp' for unencrypted  MAIL_ENV_ENCRYPTION: "tls"  # SMTP username and password  MAIL_ENV_USERNAME: "<smtp-username>"  MAIL_ENV_PASSWORD: "<smtp-password>"  # Snipe-IT Settings  APP_ENV: "production"  APP_DEBUG: "false"  APP_KEY: "key"  APP_URL: ""  APP_TIMEZONE: "Asia/Kolkata"  APP_LOCALE: "en"---apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: snipeit  labels:    app: snipeitspec:  ports:    - port: 80  selector:    app: snipeit    tier: frontend  type: LoadBalancer---apiVersion: apps/v1beta2kind: Deploymentmetadata:  name: snipeit  labels:    app: snipeitspec:  selector:    matchLabels:      app: snipeit      tier: frontend  strategy:    type: Recreate  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: snipeit        tier: frontend    spec:      containers:      - image: snipe/snipe-it        name: snipeit        envFrom:            - configMapRef:                name: snipe-it-config        ports:        - containerPort: 80          name: snipeit        volumeMounts:        - name: snipeit-persistent-storage          mountPath: /var/lib/snipeit      volumes:      - name: snipeit-persistent-storage        persistentVolumeClaim:          claimName: snipeit-pv-claim

instead of using configmap i was adding enviroment variables and parameters in deployment just added config map and smoothly it's up and running