Spring Cloud Gateway on Kubernetes discovery locator use pod port instead o service port Spring Cloud Gateway on Kubernetes discovery locator use pod port instead o service port kubernetes kubernetes

Spring Cloud Gateway on Kubernetes discovery locator use pod port instead o service port

Is Ribbon being used? Ribbon's default spring.cloud.kubernetes.ribbon.mode is POD. From the docs (quote):

spring.cloud.kubernetes.ribbon.mode supports POD and SERVICE modes.

  • The POD mode is to achieve load balancing by obtaining the Pod IP address of Kubernetes and using Ribbon. POD mode uses the load balancing of the Ribbon Does not support Kubernetes load balancing, The traffic policy of Istio is not supported.

  • the SERVICE mode is directly based on the service name of the Ribbon. Get The Kubernetes service is concatenated into service-name.{namespace}.svc.{cluster.domain}:{port} such as: demo1.default.svc.cluster.local:8080. the SERVICE mode uses load balancing of the Kubernetes service to support Istio’s traffic policy.

Why cannot you simply set Service port (port) to 8085 so it exposes the same port as Pod does ? Nothing actually prevents you from doing so.

When i try to call rest api via gateway i get

There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500). finishConnect(..) failed: Host is unreachable: common/

and the service is

Name: common Type: ClusterIP IP: Port: <unset> 8080/TCP TargetPort: 8085/TCP Endpoints:

It seems uses the service IP and the pod port. I have also added spring.cloud.kubernetes.ribbon.mode=SERVICE but nothing has changed.

From what you posted it looks like when you're trying to call your rest api via gateway it expects it to be exposed using your Service IP ( and port 8085, so simply expose it on that port and it should work fine:

...spec:  ports:    - protocol: TCP      port: 8085      targetPort: 8085...

Please let me know if it helps.