Spring Cloud Kubernetes: Can't read configMap with name Spring Cloud Kubernetes: Can't read configMap with name kubernetes kubernetes

Spring Cloud Kubernetes: Can't read configMap with name

I found the issue, I guess it is. The problem came from a malformatted yaml. If you take a lookk at the ConfigMap configuration we have:

...data:  application.yml: |-    server:      tomcat:          basedir: ..${file.separator}tomcat-${spring.application.name} # issue is here, bad indentation    spring:      profiles:        active: prod...

After changing that to:

data:  application.yml: |-    server:      tomcat:        basedir: ..${file.separator}tomcat-${spring.application.name}    spring:      profiles:        active: prod

Everything seems to work fine. It's a bit strange that the error message doesn't point out that explicitly.