State-of-the-art job scheduling (containers, hybrid cloud)? State-of-the-art job scheduling (containers, hybrid cloud)? kubernetes kubernetes

State-of-the-art job scheduling (containers, hybrid cloud)?

There are a lot of frameworks that helps managing jobs in Kubernetes cluster. The most popular are:

  • Argo for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes. Workflows is implemented as a Kubernetes CRD (Custom Resource Definition).
  • Airflow - has a modular architecture and uses a message queue to orchestrate an arbitrary number of workers. Also take a look for kubernetes-executor.

I recommend you to look for this video which describe each of framework and help you decide which is better for you.

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Hybrid cloud technology is becoming increasingly popular as it merges private and public clouds to bring the best of two worlds together. However, due to the heterogeneous cloud installation, facilitating a hybrid cloud setup is not simple. Despite the availability of some commercial solutions to build a hybrid cloud, an open source implementation is still unavailable. In this paper, we try to bridge the gap by providing an open source implementation by leveraging the power of Apache Mesos. We build a hybrid cloud on the top of multiple cloud platforms, private and public.