Testing OpenID authentication with kubernetes Testing OpenID authentication with kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Testing OpenID authentication with kubernetes

The Kubernetes Authentication docs try to explain the different "authn" plugins. One of these is "OpenID Connect", which requires that you start up an "Identity Provider".

So when you tell kubectl to use --auth-provider=oidc, that's what you're using. The idp-issuer-url will point at your Identity Provider's HTTPS URL. They give different examples of implementations of this. CoreOS has one called Dex.

Their repo has some examples under: ./examples

An example of using LDAP connector plugin for dex is here

For more information about how Authentication is done in Kubernetes (e.g.: "What is authn?" "What is authz", etc...), there is a great presentation by Eric Chiang here.

So to answer your question:

Q: how i can get values for:

  1. Issuer URL
  2. Refresh token
  3. Id-token
  4. Extra-scope

A: Set up Dex, then authenticate to it using the "Login" app (with some backend such as LDAP in example). Then it redirects you to a page with a ~/.kube/config file with a user which has all of these items.