Time taken for Azure Files to mount Pod Time taken for Azure Files to mount Pod kubernetes kubernetes

Time taken for Azure Files to mount Pod

I did not find a universal way to calculate the time taken for a pod to mount the persistent volume but I did manage to benchmark the performance of my worker when using Azure Premium File share as compared to using Standard File share to mount onto my Persistent Volume in the Kubernetes cluster. The performance was more than twice faster! Incredible speed.

Anyway, the following links may be useful for the rest looking in this direction hoping to find an answer too. Microsoft Azure did document the details of Azure Files in this link - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/files/storage-files-scale-targets

Here you can find the target throughput for a single file share - up to 60MiB/sec for Standard tier, as well as the maximum egress for a single file share - up to 6,204 MiB/sec for Premium tier. Huge difference.

Azure Files performance comparison