Traefik Dashboard: Ingress and IngressRoute, can they co-exist? Traefik Dashboard: Ingress and IngressRoute, can they co-exist? kubernetes kubernetes

Traefik Dashboard: Ingress and IngressRoute, can they co-exist?

So I have solved the Traefik Dashboard problem using Traefik Kubernetes Ingress only, the answer to the first question is 'Yes':

The following is my configuration:


kind: DeploymentapiVersion: apps/v1metadata:  name: traefik  namespace: ingress-traefik  labels:    app: traefikspec:  replicas: 1  selector:    matchLabels:      app: traefik  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: traefik    spec:      serviceAccountName: traefik-ingress-controller      containers:        - name: traefik          image: traefik:v2.2          ports:            - name: web              containerPort: 80            - name: websecure              containerPort: 443            - name: admin              containerPort: 8080          args:            - --api            - --api.insecure=true            - --api.dashboard=true            - --providers.kubernetesingress            - --providers.kubernetescrd            - --entrypoints.web.Address=:80            - --entrypoints.websecure.Address=:443


apiVersion: Ingressmetadata:  name: traefik-dashboard-ingress  namespace: ingress-traefik  annotations: traefik web, websecure "true" ingress-traefik-traefikbasicauth@kubernetescrd letsencrypt-prodspec:  tls:    - secretName: cert-stage-wildcard  rules:    - host:      http:        paths:          - path: /            backend:              serviceName: traefik-service              servicePort: 8080

The key to bringing up this is to set api.insecure=true, with this I can port-forward and test the Traefik Dashboard on my localhost, and then route the service through the traefik kubernetes ingress.

Another question (Can I use both kubernetesingress and kubernetescrd as provider) is also confirmed to be 'Yes', as I am now using them together, with kubernetesingress for routing and kubernetescrd on the basicAuth MiddleWare.

But I guess the two routing schemes ingress and ingressRoute may not be able to co-exist as they are both for routing and only one of them will be used by the system when both of them exist. Please correct me if I am wrong.