Traefik on Kubernetes does not keep path over redirect Traefik on Kubernetes does not keep path over redirect kubernetes kubernetes

Traefik on Kubernetes does not keep path over redirect

The issue here is that PathPrefixStrip removes /config-server and it initially forwards the request to your backend with just /. However, when your backend redirects it's a new request and the Ingress doesn't understand the request to / or /login. You could create two Ingress(es) for each backend and use single backend in each with a path to /. But this would mean adding a new ingress-class and the good news is that Traefik supports it. You could also try an nginx ingress which has the --ingress-class option.

You can find more information on how to create multiple ingress controllers here

If you want a single Ingress it will also be tricky since you might have to add logic in your app to understand the /config-server path for example.