Tunnelling via pod Tunnelling via pod kubernetes kubernetes

Tunnelling via pod

The easiest solution is probably to add another container to your pod running socat or something similar and make it listen and connect to your local pod's IP (important: connect to the pod ip, not if your database program is configured to only accept connections from the overlay network).Then modify the service you have for these pods and add the extra port.

The example below assumes port 2000 is running your program and 2001 will be the port that is forwarded to 2000 inside the pod.

Example (the example is running netcat simulating your database program):

apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:  name: database  labels:    app: databasespec:  containers:  - name: alpine    image: alpine    command: ["nc","-v","-n","-l","-p","2000"]    ports:    - containerPort: 2000  - name: socat    image: toughiq/socat    ports:    - containerPort: 2001    env:    - name: LISTEN_PROTO      value: "TCP4"    - name: LISTEN_PORT      value: "2001"    - name: TARGET_PROTO      value: "TCP4"    - name: TARGET_HOST      valueFrom:        fieldRef:          fieldPath: status.podIP    - name: TARGET_PORT      value: "2000"---apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: databasespec:  selector:    app: database  ports:  - name: myport    port: 2000    targetPort: 2000    protocol: TCP  - name: socat    port: 2001    targetPort: 2001    protocol: TCP  externalIPs: [xxxxxx]