Unable to access node app from K8s cluster Unable to access node app from K8s cluster kubernetes kubernetes

Unable to access node app from K8s cluster

Just like @Hackerman described, if you using the LoadBalancer type of service you need to use minikube tunnel. You can follow the example. This type of service is usually meant to provision a provider Load Balancer, for example, an AWS ELB. But in the case of minikube there is no external provider and you need to trick it into thinking there is one.

Basically, you need to run it before you create your Deployment.

On a separate terminal:

minikube tunnel

Then apply your manifest YAML file that includes your definition in your question:

kubectl apply -f <your-deployment>.yaml


In addition to @Rico answer: there are two ways to access applications deployed on minikube.

First- using NodePort. When exposing application using NodePort service type you are able to access it by executing minikube service list and accessing URL shown by the output- it is result of minikube ip and nodeport. Output will be similar to this:

|-------------|------------|----------------------------|-----||  NAMESPACE  |    NAME    |        TARGET PORT         | URL ||-------------|------------|----------------------------|-----||             || default     | nginx      | ||             ||-------------|------------|----------------------------|-----|

Second option is by using minikube tunnel command. It assigns externalIP to application exposed byLoadBalancer service type. When trying to access it minikube tunnel has to be running and in separate terminal you can access it using externalIP:port. Example output of minikube tunnel:

$minikube tunnelStatus:        machine: minikube        pid: 9284        route: ->        minikube: Running        services: [backend-load]

Then you can check external IP assigned to this service by running kubectl get service:

kubectl get svcNAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGEbackend-load   LoadBalancer   3000:31676/TCP   110s

so in this example application will be accessible under