Unable to create a RabbitMQ instance using RabbitMQ cluster Kubernetes operator Unable to create a RabbitMQ instance using RabbitMQ cluster Kubernetes operator kubernetes kubernetes

Unable to create a RabbitMQ instance using RabbitMQ cluster Kubernetes operator

Yes, your local hostpath can not work as dynamic volume provisioner. This operator needs an storageclassname which can dynamically create PVs.In your case, your operator waiting continuously for PV to get created. In stead you can manually create an PV and PVC if you are doing in local machine.Check this example - https://github.com/rabbitmq/cluster-operator/blob/main/docs/examples/multiple-disks/rabbitmq.yaml

If you are going to try any cloud provider like AWS then its pretty easy. Deploy EBS CSI driver in your cluster which will create an storageclass for you and that storageclass will provision dynamic volumes.