Unable to load cached Images in my minikube, I have windows 10 enterprise edition Unable to load cached Images in my minikube, I have windows 10 enterprise edition kubernetes kubernetes

Unable to load cached Images in my minikube, I have windows 10 enterprise edition

This problem was raised in this SO question. I am posting a community wiki answer from it:

You did not provide how you are trying to install minikube and what else is installed on your PC. So it is hard to provide 100% accurate answer. I will try with providing a way that I use to install minikube on Windows, if that does not help please provide more information on what steps did you do that led to this error. I do not want to guess but it seems like you did not add the minikube binary to your PATH:

executable file not found in %PATH%- Preparing Kubernetes environment ...

First let's delete all the traces of your current installation. Run minikube delete go to C:\Users\current-user\ and delete .kube and .minikube folders.

Open Powershell and install chocolatey as explained here:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))

After installation run choco install minikube kubernetes-cli.

Now depending on what hypervisor you want to use you can follow steps from this tutorial (Hyper-V). You can use VirtualBox as well but then you won't be able to use Docker for Windows (assuming you want to) - you can read more in one of my answers here. Another possibility is to use Kubernetes in Docker for Windows as explained here - but you won't be using minikube in this scenario.

Please let me know if that helped.