Unable to see Jenkins Credentials values Unable to see Jenkins Credentials values kubernetes kubernetes

Unable to see Jenkins Credentials values

Write the variable to a file in jenkins. Go to the jenkins workspace and look inside the file. The token will be present in plain text there.


Further easy way will be to print the base64 encoded value of the credential and then decode it.

Like the others added above, you could actually write it to a file and then cat the file outside of the withCredentials. You should be fine with this. As below..

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'creds-test', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME')]) {           sh '''              echo $USERNAME > tmp              echo $PASSWORD >> tmp            '''          }          sh 'cat tmp'

This prints the actual credential values

Consider manipulating the string

echo env.PASSWORD.toCharArray().join(' ');


stages {    stage('Build') {        steps {           withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'creds-test', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME')]) {               script {                  echo env.USERNAME.toCharArray().join(' ');                  echo env.PASSWORD.toCharArray().join(' ');               }               sh '''                  chmod +x secrets-replace.sh                  ./secrets-replace.sh USERNAME_PLACEHOLDER $USERNAME                  ./secrets-replace.sh PASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER $PASSWORD                '''              }              echo 'Building...'              sh './gradlew build --refresh-dependencies'        }    }    ...}