Unable to setup kubernetes against tls secured etcd Unable to setup kubernetes against tls secured etcd kubernetes kubernetes

Unable to setup kubernetes against tls secured etcd

Finally I find out what was causing this problem. Timeout was not defined correctly because go-etcd unmarshalls json timeout value into time.Duration which uses nanoseconds as a base unit. So that for a value of 1s, 1000000000 should be written.

Following the example above:

{   "cluster": {    "machines": [ "https://my-public-hostname:2379" ]   },   "config": {     "certFile": "/etc/ssl/etcd/client.pem",     "keyFile": "/etc/ssl/etcd/client.key.pem",     "caCertFiles": [       "/etc/ssl/etcd/ca.pem"     ],     "timeout": 5000000000,     "consistency": "WEAK"   } }