Unable to start container using kubectl Unable to start container using kubectl kubernetes kubernetes

Unable to start container using kubectl

You can debug using these steps:

  1. kubectl talks to kube-apiserver at port 8443 to do its thing. Try curl -k and see if there's a positive response. If this fails, it means kube-apiserver isn't running at all. You can try restarting the VM or rebuilding minikube to see if it comes up properly the 2nd time round.

  2. You can also debug the VM directly if you feel brave. In this case, get a shell on the VM spun up by minikube. Run docker ps | grep apiserver to check if the kube-apiserver pod is running. Also try ps aux | grep apiserver to check if it's run natively. If both don't turn up results, check the logs using journalctl -xef.