user permissions needed for token access to kubernetes dashboard with RBAC user permissions needed for token access to kubernetes dashboard with RBAC kubernetes kubernetes

user permissions needed for token access to kubernetes dashboard with RBAC

I couldn't find a different way other than providing some access to kube-system, so I did using the following role and binding:

kind: RoleapiVersion:  namespace: kube-system  name: user-role-dashboardrules:  - apiGroups: [""]    resources:      - services    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]  - apiGroups: [""]    resources:      - services/proxy    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create"]---kind: RoleBindingapiVersion:  namespace: kube-system  name: user-binding-dashboardsubjects:- kind: User  name: system:serviceaccount:<namespace>:<username>  apiGroup: ""roleRef:  kind: Role  name: user-role-dashboard  apiGroup: ""

Would still like to know whether there is a better way though, your thoughts and suggestions are welcome!

I have the same situation and found my answer in this post: Kubernetes Dashboard Installation Deep Dive. It worked perfectly.

The idea is to create a PKCS #12 file from the kubernetes-admin user's certificate and key. Import this into your browser, then access the dashboard through the API server (I did not use a proxy). Note that SKIP will not grant any access. Login using the bearer token as normal, and the dashboard rights are restricted by the user's token.