Using NodePort to connect to Database Using NodePort to connect to Database kubernetes kubernetes

Using NodePort to connect to Database

you won't be able to set up a proxy that way. If you have an application that receives requests and forwards them to your database.

An easier solution would be to deploy your app to the cluster (if possible) or deploy a test pod to the cluster (using a base image like debian, busybox, or alpine linux; which ever image serves your needs). You can then connect to the pod (kubectl exec -it podname).

You could try to use NodePort service without selector and define your own endpoint pointing to database IP address.

For instance:

vagrant@k8sMaster:~$ nslookup google.frName:   google.frAddress: 'apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: my-servicespec:  type: NodePort  ports:    - protocol: TCP      port: 443      targetPort: 443' >> svc-no-sel.yamlecho 'apiVersion: v1kind: Endpointsmetadata:  name: my-servicesubsets:  - addresses:      - ip:    ports:      - port: 443' >> ep-no-sel.yamlk apply -f svc-no-sel.yamlk apply -f ep-no-sel.yaml

Where you replace google IP/Port by your database IP/Port.

Then in the given example you can target the service by doing

curl -k https://<node-ip>:<node-port>

Documentation on service without selector here: