Using Vault with multiple dynamic namespaces in Kubernetes Using Vault with multiple dynamic namespaces in Kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Using Vault with multiple dynamic namespaces in Kubernetes

When you create the Vault role, you can configure bound_service_account_namespaces to be the special value *, and allow a fixed service account name from any namespace. To adapt the "create role" example from the documentation:

vault write auth/kubernetes/role/demo \    bound_service_account_names=vault-auth \    bound_service_account_namespaces='*' \    policies=default \    ttl=1h

You have to recreate the Kubernetes service account in every namespace, and it must have the exact name specified in the role. However, the Kubernetes service account is a single k8s object and it's not any harder than the Deployments, Services, ConfigMaps, and Secrets you already have; this pattern doesn't require any Vault reconfiguration.

(If you're using a templating tool like Helm, the service account can't follow a naming convention like {{ .Release.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Name }}: Vault doesn't appear to have any sort of pattern matching on this name.)

Service Accounts are namespaced therefore not shared , so you may copy the token from one account to another , but that is not the recommneded way.

C02W84XMHTD5:kubernetes-gitlab iahmad$ kubectl api-resources --namespaced | grep serviceserviceaccounts             sa                                       true         ServiceAccountservices                    svc                                      true         ServiceC02W84XMHTD5:kubernetes-gitlab iahmad$

If you want to share a secret or account the way you are trying to do , then there is no need to use vault at all.

You may just need to automate this process , instead of sharing accounts.