Whats the difference between Unhealthy vs Degraded .NET health check status Whats the difference between Unhealthy vs Degraded .NET health check status kubernetes kubernetes

Whats the difference between Unhealthy vs Degraded .NET health check status

A "degraded" check could be used for checks that did succeed but are slow or unstable. E.g. a simple database query did succeed but took more than a second. Moving traffic to another instance is probably a good idea until the problem has resolved.

An "unhealthy" check means that the component does not work at all. E.g. a connection to the Redis cache could no be established. Restarting the instance could solve this issue.

Quoting the blog post:

A failed liveness probe says: The application has crashed. You should shut it down and restart.

A failed readiness probe says: The application is OK but not yet ready to serve traffic.

You could say that a "degraded" health check maps to the "readiness" probe and an "unhealthy" check maps to the "liveness" probe.