Whitelisting IP addresses for network traffic through Istio gateways Whitelisting IP addresses for network traffic through Istio gateways kubernetes kubernetes

Whitelisting IP addresses for network traffic through Istio gateways

You confuse one thing that, in above rule, match: source.labels["app"] == "my-app" is not referring to any resource's label, but to pod's label.

From OutputTemplate Documentation:

sourceLabels | Refers to source pod labels. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.sourcelabels

And you can verify by looking for resources with "app=istio-ingressgateway" label via:

kubectl get pods,svc -n istio-system -l "app=istio-ingressgateway" --show-labels

You can check this blog from istio about Mixer Adapter Model, to understand complete mixer model, its handlers,instances and rules.

Hope it helps!