Why are podman pods not reproducible using kubernetes yaml file? Why are podman pods not reproducible using kubernetes yaml file? kubernetes kubernetes

Why are podman pods not reproducible using kubernetes yaml file?

I found the same article, and the same problem than you. None of the following tests worked for me:

  • Add and remove environment variables
  • Add and remove restartPolicy part
  • Play with the capabilities part

As soon as you move back the command part, everything fires up again.

Check it with the following wordpress.yaml:

# Generation of Kubernetes YAML is still under development!## Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import# it into Kubernetes.## Created with podman-2.2.1apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:  labels:    app: wordpress-pod  name: wordpress-podspec:  containers:  - command:    - apache2-foreground    name: wptest-web    env:    - name: WORDPRESS_DB_NAME      value: wp    - name: WORDPRESS_DB_HOST      value:    - name: WORDPRESS_DB_USER      value: wordpress    - name: WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD      value: w0rdpr3ss    image: docker.io/library/wordpress:latest    ports:    - containerPort: 80      hostPort: 8080      protocol: TCP    resources: {}    securityContext:      allowPrivilegeEscalation: true      capabilities: {}      privileged: false      readOnlyRootFilesystem: false      seLinuxOptions: {}    workingDir: /var/www/html  - command:    - mysqld    name: wptest-db    env:    - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD      value: myrootpass    - name: MYSQL_USER      value: wordpress    - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD      value: w0rdpr3ss    - name: MYSQL_DATABASE      value: wp    image: docker.io/library/mariadb:latest    resources: {}    securityContext:      allowPrivilegeEscalation: true      capabilities: {}      privileged: false      readOnlyRootFilesystem: false      seLinuxOptions: {}    workingDir: /status: {}

Play & checks:

# Create containers, pod and run everything$ podman play kube wordpress.yaml# OutputPod:5a211c35419b4fcf0deda718e47eec2dd10653a5c5bacc275c312ae75326e746Containers:bfd087b5649f8d1b3c62ef86f28f4bcce880653881bcda21823c09e0cca1c85b5aceb11500db0a91b4db2cc4145879764e16ed0e8f95a2f85d9a55672f65c34b# Check running state$ podman container ls; podman pod ls# OutputCONTAINER ID  IMAGE                               COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS             PORTS                 NAMES5aceb11500db  docker.io/library/mariadb:latest    mysqld                13 seconds ago  Up 10 seconds ago>80/tcp  wordpress-pod-wptest-dbbfd087b5649f  docker.io/library/wordpress:latest  apache2-foregroun...  16 seconds ago  Up 10 seconds ago>80/tcp  wordpress-pod-wptest-webd8bf33eede43  k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.2                                      19 seconds ago  Up 11 seconds ago>80/tcp  5a211c35419b-infraPOD ID        NAME           STATUS   CREATED         INFRA ID      # OF CONTAINERS5a211c35419b  wordpress-pod  Running  20 seconds ago  d8bf33eede43  3

A bit more explanation about the bug:

The problem is that entrypoint and cmd are not parsed correctly from the images, as it should and you would expect. It was working on previous versions, and it is already identified and fixed for the future ones.

For complete reference:

Comment found at podman#8710-comment.748672710 breaks this problem into two pieces:

  • "make podman play use ENVs from image" (podman#8654 already fixed in mainstream)
  • "podman play should honour both ENTRYPOINT and CMD from image" (podman#8666)
    • This one is replaced by "play kube: fix args/command handling" (podman#8807 the one already merged to mainstream)