Wildcard Let's Encrypt certificates with cert-manager, nginx ingress, cloudflare in kubernetes how to fix? Wildcard Let's Encrypt certificates with cert-manager, nginx ingress, cloudflare in kubernetes how to fix? kubernetes kubernetes

Wildcard Let's Encrypt certificates with cert-manager, nginx ingress, cloudflare in kubernetes how to fix?

It looks mostly correct a couple of issues I see

  1. challenges keyword seems out of place in the Issuer. Maybe it was on purpose to explain(?)

    # ACME DNS-01 provider configurationsdns01:  providers:  - name: cf-dns    cloudflare:      email: myimail@gmail.com      # A secretKeyRef to a cloudflare api key      apiKeySecretRef:        name: cloudflare-api-key        key: api-key.txt
  2. Missing kind: Issuer line within the issuerRef in your Certificate definition and dnsNames shows play.mydomain.com instead of *.play.mydomain.com (which could be the problem)

    apiVersion: certmanager.k8s.io/v1alpha1kind: Certificatemetadata:  name: wildcard-mydomain-com  namespace: defaultspec:  secretName: wildcard-mydomain-com  issuerRef:    name: letsencrypt-prod-wildcard    kind: Issuer  commonName: '*.play.mydomain.com'  dnsNames:  - *.play.mydomain.com <== here  acme:    config:    - dns01:        provider: cf-dns      domains:      - '*.play.mydomain.com'      - play.mydomain.com

Note : might require to first add the CAA record in DNS.

CAA record can get added into DNS zone

example :

            Type       Valuedevops.in   CAA       0 issuewild "letsencrypt.org"

secret storing access key

kubectl create secret generic route53-secret --from-literal=secret-access-key="skjdflk4598sf/dkfj490jdfg/dlfjk59lkj"

Here sharing the example issuer.yaml

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1kind: Issuermetadata:  name: letsencrypt-prodspec:  acme:    email: test123@gmail.com    server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory    privateKeySecretRef:      name: letsencrypt-prod    solvers:    - selector:        dnsZones:          - "devops.in"      dns01:        route53:          region: us-east-1          hostedZoneID: Z2152140EXAMPLE          accessKeyID: AKIA5A5D7EXAMPLE          secretAccessKeySecretRef:            name: route53-secret            key: secret-access-key---apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1alpha2kind: Certificatemetadata:  name: le-crtspec:  secretName: tls-secret  issuerRef:     kind: Issuer    name: letsencrypt-prod  commonName: "*.devops.in"  dnsNames:    - "*.devops.in"