Zuul unable to route traffic to service on kubernetes Zuul unable to route traffic to service on kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Zuul unable to route traffic to service on kubernetes

I think you've a mismatch between the host name being registered to Zuul and the one on which the service is reachable in k8s. Do 'kubectl get services' to find the names of your k8s services. Zuul will get the name that is registered to it from eureka (it seems you are registering names and not IPs). If you change the name of your Service in your k8s yaml for resource-service to be 'resource-service' then I'd expect it to work.

In your docker-compose I expect you have a section that defines the resource-service and it is presumably named resource-service. The equivalent for k8s is the name of the Service that matches to the Pods of that particular Deployment.

Edit: A spring boot app by default registers with eureka the Pod's hostname (if not using IP). So to override this it's necessary to set eureka.instance.hostname to match the Service name.

I faced the same problem when I went to deploy eureka server and zull proxy to the Google Kubernet Cluster, the solution is divided into two part :
first part: client side as mentioned we need to add : eureka: instance: hostname: resource-service .
second part: is Eureka server deployment, in kubernet we should use statfulset as a kind of deployment to guarantee stable network . you find below me eureka yml deployment :

              ---apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: eureka-server  labels:    app: eureka-serverspec:  ports:  - port: 9000    name: eureka-server  clusterIP: None  selector:    app: eureka-server---    apiVersion: apps/v1beta2kind: StatefulSetmetadata:  name: eureka-serverspec:  serviceName: "eureka-server"  replicas: 1  selector:    matchLabels:      app: eureka-server  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: eureka-server    spec:      containers:      - name: eureka-server        image: # eureka image        ports:        - containerPort: 9000        env:        - name: MY_POD_NAME          valueFrom:            fieldRef:              fieldPath: metadata.name          # Due to camelcase issues with "defaultZone" and "preferIpAddress", _JAVA_OPTIONS is used here        - name: _JAVA_OPTIONS          value: -Deureka.instance.preferIpAddress=false -Deureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone=http://eureka-0.eureka-server:9000/eureka/        - name: EUREKA_CLIENT_REGISTERWITHEUREKA          value: "true"        - name: EUREKA_CLIENT_FETCHREGISTRY          value: "true"        # The hostnames must match with the the eureka serviceUrls, otherwise the replicas are reported as unavailable in the eureka dashboard              - name: EUREKA_INSTANCE_HOSTNAME          value: ${MY_POD_NAME}.eureka-server

The fact that Zuul registers with Eureka makes Zuul a client of Eureka.


fetchRegistry property enables Zuul (as a client of Eureka) to fetch the registry directory i.e. list of registered services in Eureka.

Once the Zuul server is up, you can see which routes are open using http://localhost:8762/routes url.

These routes were created by Zuul through fetched registry and relevant service ids. You can change the routes for every service id the way you want by configuring each service id in Zuul application properties i.e.


Also, the preferable way is to rely on IPs and not host names. i.e. use preferIpAddress property as suggested by others in other answers.