Call a method from one controller inside another Call a method from one controller inside another laravel laravel

Call a method from one controller inside another

This is how I have done it. Use the use keyword to make the OtherController available. Then you can call a method from that class on instantiation.

<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;use App\Http\Controllers\OtherController;class MyController extends Controller {    public function __construct()    {        //Calling a method that is from the OtherController        $result = (new OtherController)->method();    }}

Also check out the concept of a Command in Laravel. It might give you more flexibility than the method above.

use App\Http\Controllers\TargetsController;// this controller contains a function to callclass OrganizationController extends Controller {    public function createHolidays() {        // first create the reference of this controller        $b = new TargetsController();        $mob = 9898989898;        $msg = "i am ready to send a msg";        // parameter will be same         $result = $b->mytesting($msg, $mob);        log::info('my testing function call with return value' . $result);    }}// this controller calls itclass TargetsController extends Controller {    public function mytesting($msg, $mob) {        log::info('my testing function call');        log::info('my mob:-' . $mob . 'my msg:-' . $msg);        $a = 10;        return $a;    }}