class Facebook not found in laravel 5 facebook graph api class Facebook not found in laravel 5 facebook graph api laravel laravel

class Facebook not found in laravel 5 facebook graph api

Within the index function, you are not in the global scope so that as you call the class as Facebook\Facebook, PHP thinks that you are calling Facebook\Facebook declared in the App\Http\Controllers\Userapp namespace.

Either you need to reference them as globally like below with prepending \.

public function index(){    $fb = new \Facebook\Facebook([]);    // your code    catch(\Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e)    // your code    catch(\Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e)    // your code}

Or use the aliases.

use Facebook\Facebook as Facebook;use Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException as FacebookResponseExceptionuse Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException as FacebookSDKExceptionpublic function index(){    $fb = new Facebook([]);    // your code    catch(FacebookResponseException $e)    // your code    catch(FacebookSDKException $e)    // your code }