Composer: required packages with differing levels of minimum-stability Composer: required packages with differing levels of minimum-stability laravel laravel

Composer: required packages with differing levels of minimum-stability

The answer is just add @dev

{    "require": {        "cartalyst/sentry": "2.0.*@dev"    },}

You can read more about minimum stability settings here.

An alternative is to set your minimum-stability to dev, but tell composer you want to use stable whenever possible:

"minimum-stability": "dev","prefer-stable" : true

This basically means it will always use stable UNLESS there is no way to install a stable dependency, and therefore use dev.

You can also use other levels of stability, like alpha, beta combined with version selector.


With caret operator - maximum of version 2 allowing beta:

"cartalyst/sentry": "^2@beta"

Any version allowing alpha

"cartalyst/sentry": "*@alpha"