Composite keys laravel schema builder Composite keys laravel schema builder laravel laravel

Composite keys laravel schema builder

You can do this with a little help from the unprepared method:

Schema::create("kitchen", function($table) {    $table->increments('id');    $table->integer('restaurant_id');    $table->string('name');});DB::unprepared('ALTER TABLE `kitchen` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (  `id` ,  `restaurant_id` )');

This is tested, and works!

I know it's a little late, and you might have moved on, but someone else might come across this :)

Eloquent's increments() sets the column as an unsigned integer. With that in mind you have multiple way of achieving your desired composite keys.

You could use either interger() or unsignedInteger() and setting the autoIncrements to true:

 $table->integer($column, $autoIncrement = false, $unsigned = false); $table->unsignedInteger($column, $autoIncrement = false); //Returns $this->integer($column, $autoIncrement, true);

Then you could tell Eloquent which are your primary keys via primary().

Your Schema::create() should look like this:

 Schema::create('kitchen', function($table) {     $table->integer('id', true, true);     $table->integer('restaurant_id')->unsigned(); //or $table->integer('restaurant_id', false, true);     $table->foreign('restaurant_id')           ->references('id')->on('restaurants')           ->onDelete('cascade');     $table->string('name');     $table->primary(array('id', 'restaurant_id')); });

Assuming your Restaurant table is using $table->increments('id') this should make 'id' and 'restaurant_id' your primary keys while also matching 'restaurant_id' to the Restaurant table 'id'.

It makes no sense to have the autoincrement as part of a composite primary key as it will be unique for every record anyway.If you want an autoincrement primary key and a unique composite key on eg 2 other columns such as 'restaurant_id' and 'name':

Schema::create("kitchen", function($table) {    $table->increments('id');    $table->integer('restaurant_id');    $table->string('name');    $table->unique(['restaurant_id', 'name']);});