Create resource route in Laravel without certain methods Create resource route in Laravel without certain methods laravel laravel

Create resource route in Laravel without certain methods

You may specify which routes you would like to be included for the resource by passing an argument to the route definition like so:

Route::resource('photo', 'PhotoController', ['only' => [    'index', 'show']]);

When you run the artisan generator you will still get all the methods, but you can just delete them. If you were to create a custom command to only create certain methods, you would still need to keep in mind that Route::resource expects all resource routes by default.

If you check out the API docs about ControllerMakeCommand you will see that it has only one option. So it's not possible to generate a controller without certain methods with the command that's shipped with laravel.

However you can make a command yourself that will accept arguments and based on your arguments it will generate a controller with only specified method.

Laravel docs on how to create a custom command