Get ids array from related laravel model which is having belongsToMany relationship Get ids array from related laravel model which is having belongsToMany relationship laravel laravel

Get ids array from related laravel model which is having belongsToMany relationship

Personally, I wouldn't change the users() relationship, but maybe add an accessor for user IDs

class Role {    protected $fillable = ["name"];    // adding the appends value will call the accessor in the JSON response    protected $appends = ['user_ids'];    public function users()    {         return $this->belongsToMany('App/Models/User');    }    public function getUserIdsAttribute()    {        return $this->users->pluck('user_id');    }}

Then you still have a working relationship, but can access the user IDs as an array in the Role response. If that doesn't work for you, as mentioned by @Creator, you could probably just add ->pluck('id') in the relationship rather than the select()