How can I use a resource to write line by line but still use Laravel's built in Storage? How can I use a resource to write line by line but still use Laravel's built in Storage? laravel laravel

How can I use a resource to write line by line but still use Laravel's built in Storage?

Storage::put('file.xml', $resource);

But what would $resource be here?

$resource is your data that you prepare to write to disk by code.

If you want to write the file with a loop you must use the Storage::append($file_name, $data); as wrote before by ljubadr

I wrote $data but you can use any name you want for a variable inside a loop.

Per Laravel 5.3 documentation, look into Automatic Streaming

If you would like Laravel to automatically manage streaming a given file to your storage location, you may use the putFile or putFileAs method. This method accepts either a Illuminate\Http\File or Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile instance and will automatically stream the file to your desire location:

You can upload file with streaming like this

$file = $request->file('file');$path = \Storage::putFile('photos', $file);

Where your form input is

<input type="file" name="file">