How can I use db transaction in laravel? How can I use db transaction in laravel? laravel laravel

How can I use db transaction in laravel?

You can't add return statement inside transaction that halts entire process and DB::rollback() is executed.

To switch the return, You can define a boolean variable and make false while you catch exception.

Like this:

public function destroy($id){    $success = true;    DB::beginTransaction();    try{        // Your Code        $product = $this->product_repository->find($id);        $result = $product->categories()->detach();        if($result) {            list($status,$instance) = $this->product_repository->delete($id);        }        DB::commit();    }catch(\Exception $e){        DB::rollback();        $success = false;    }    if($success){        // Return data for successful delete    }    else{        // Return data for unsuccessful delete    }}

Hope you understand.

You can use it like this:

$returnResult = [];DB::beginTransaction();try {    ...    DB::commit();    $returnResult['status'] = true;    $returnResult['data'] = $status;} catch (...) {    ...    DB::rollback();    $returnResult['status'] = true;    $returnResult['message'] = $e->getMessage();}return $returnResult;