How to break a foreach loop in laravel blade view? How to break a foreach loop in laravel blade view? laravel laravel

How to break a foreach loop in laravel blade view?

From the Blade docs:

When using loops you may also end the loop or skip the current iteration:

@foreach ($users as $user)    @if ($user->type == 1)        @continue    @endif    <li>{{ $user->name }}</li>    @if ($user->number == 5)        @break    @endif@endforeach

you can break like this

 @foreach($data as $d)        @if($d=="something")            {{$d}}            @if(codition)              @break            @endif        @endif    @endforeach

Basic usage

By default, blade doesn't have @break and @continue which are useful to have. So that's included.

Furthermore, the $loop variable is introduced inside loops, (almost) exactly like Twig.

Basic Example

@foreach($stuff as $key => $val)     $loop->index;       // int, zero based     $loop->index1;      // int, starts at 1     $loop->revindex;    // int     $loop->revindex1;   // int     $loop->first;       // bool     $loop->last;        // bool     $loop->even;        // bool     $loop->odd;         // bool     $loop->length;      // int    @foreach($other as $name => $age)        $loop->parent->odd;        @foreach($friends as $foo => $bar)            $loop->parent->index;            $loop->parent->parentLoop->index;        @endforeach    @endforeach     @break    @continue@endforeach