How to get current authenticated user id using Vuejs and Laravel? How to get current authenticated user id using Vuejs and Laravel? laravel laravel

How to get current authenticated user id using Vuejs and Laravel?

Other option is to do it the same way as the crsf token.

// header.blade.php<meta name="user-id" content="{{ Auth::user()->id }}">// main.jsVue.prototype.$userId = document.querySelector("meta[name='user-id']").getAttribute('content');// componentmounted() {    console.log(this.$userId)}

by many way to get auth user id read more


by vue js

$http.get('api/user').then(response => {   console.log(response.body);})

If you are using authentication created by the composer require laravel/uiphp artisan ui vue --authYou can add to// app.blade.php or whatever you have maybe master.blade.php @if (Auth::check())          <meta name="user_id" content="{{ Auth::user()->id }}" /> @endif Then in the app.js addVue.prototype.$userId = document.querySelector("meta[name='user_id']").getAttribute('content');Now if you want to get the logged in  user id and pass it to a hidden input field the first declare it as <script>export default {        props: ['app'],        data()        {            return{                user_id: this.$userId,            }        },    }</script>  // Finally in your MyVueComponent.vue<input type="hidden" name="user_id" v-model="user_id">

To test try making the type="text" instead of "hidden" and you see that it is shows you the current id