How to run queue worker on shared hosting How to run queue worker on shared hosting laravel laravel

How to run queue worker on shared hosting

Since Laravel 5.7, there's a new queue command to stop working when empty:

php artisan queue:work --stop-when-empty

As this is mostly just for emails or few small jobs, I put it on a cronjob to run every minute. This isn't really a solution for more than 100 jobs per minute I'd say, but works for my emails. This will run about 5 seconds every minute just to send emails, depending on how many emails or how big the job.


  1. Create new command: php artisan make:command SendContactEmails
  2. In SendContactEmails.php, change: protected $signature = 'emails:work';
  3. In the handle() method, add:
return $this->call('queue:work', [    '--queue' => 'emails', // remove this if queue is default    '--stop-when-empty' => null,]);
  1. Schedule your command every minute:
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule){    $schedule->command('emails:work')->everyMinute();    // you can add ->withoutOverlapping(); if you think it won't finish in 1 minute}
  1. Update your cronjobs:
* * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/username/project/artisan schedule:run > /dev/null 2>&1


Processing All Queued Jobs & Then Exiting

The --stop-when-empty option may be used to instruct the worker to process all jobs and then exit gracefully. This option can be useful when working Laravel queues within a Docker container if you wish to shutdown the container after the queue is empty:

php artisan queue:work --stop-when-empty

are you using cpanel?

you can set in the Scheduler or Cron Jobs menu.and set the command in there