How to Uninstall Laravel? How to Uninstall Laravel? laravel laravel

How to Uninstall Laravel?

if you have installed it globally you can simply remove it by composer global remove laravel/installer

If you have installed it via composer project you simply remove the directory.

Since I was looking all around how to uninstall packages and after reading tones of documentations here's the short how-to uninstall a workbench package in Laravel

  1. Remove package service provider from 'providers' array in app/config/app.php

  2. Remove the package folder in workbench/

  3. Run:

    php composer.phar dump-autoload

    php artisan clear-compiled

    php artisan optimize

  4. (optional) remove all related code using the package (you'll get errors about that)

or use composer global remove laravel/installer

For me, the command that actually did the trick was: composer global remove laravel/installer