How to use a dynamic variable in Laravel group routes? How to use a dynamic variable in Laravel group routes? laravel laravel

How to use a dynamic variable in Laravel group routes?

You don't need to group your routes under a lang route, you can create your own middleware and group your routes under that middleware, and use this code inside of it:

public function handle($request, Closure $next){     $lang = request->get('locale');     $currentLang = App::getLocale();     //If locale exists in the url and it's changed     if($lang && $lang != $currentLang) App::setLocale($lang);     //If locale doesn't exist in the url, fallback to default locale     if(!$lang) App::setLocale('en');     return $next($request);       });

The url should be data/store?locale=en, ur url should always append locale after ? in the url, otherwise, your default locale will be used

EDIT: Since your routes include locale as a part of the url, and not as a request param, then I suggest you use a library to handle this for you, because you will have a lot of stuff to do before you will be able to have a working example: Laravel localization mcmara