Include custom JavaScript in the app.js Include custom JavaScript in the app.js laravel laravel

Include custom JavaScript in the app.js

Add your scripts under this path \resources\assets\js\,

(ex : \resources\assets\js\scripts\my_script.js & \resources\assets\js\another_script.js)

And, add them to \resources\assets\js\app.js

require ('./scripts/my_script.js');require ('./another_script.js');

Just add your script in resources/assets/js and then run gulp to compile all your scripts into app.jsCheck this for more info

I presume you have other files that are not exactly VueJs files and you want to build into a single script. In that case it is not good to put the script in that file. You can however place the files in your resources/assets/js folder and add some code to your gulpfile.js to build all your scripts into one file. Here is the code you might need to add.

 mix.scripts([   'filename.js', ]);

By default, the build file will be placed in public/js/all.js.

You can customise that driectory by modifying the example above to something like this

mix.scripts([  'filename.js], 'path/to/file.js');