Is there a place to get the laravel `vendor` folder in one spot? Is there a place to get the laravel `vendor` folder in one spot? laravel laravel

Is there a place to get the laravel `vendor` folder in one spot?

  1. Install Composer on your OS using this commandcurl -sS | php.
  2. Move the composer.phar file to /usr/local/bin/ with this commandmv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer. This will enable you to access composer globally.
  3. git clone your project.
  4. Make a vendors folder in the root of your project.
  5. cd to root of your project and run composer update. This command will look for vendors folder in the root and will install all the packages required by your project in it.

Happy Coding

Thank you :)

Use composer install in the same folder of your app. Try composer update. And install composer globally in your OS.