Laravel 5.2.2 and Entrust error call to undefined method Laravel 5.2.2 and Entrust error call to undefined method laravel laravel

Laravel 5.2.2 and Entrust error call to undefined method

I have same issue, here are the steps I have taken to solve the issue

In your .env file change to cache array


and dont forget to run

php artisan config:cache

It seems all the steps is correct, and I just need to clear the cache with php artisan config:cache

And if you face an error like below

BadMethodCallException in vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Cache\Repository.php line 380:This cache store does not support tagging.

You need to change in .env this line to array


Try this:

Open environment file of your laravel change CACHE_DRIVER=file to CACHE_DRIVER=array and save.

Now try your CLI command.