Laravel 5.5 install Laravel 5.5 install laravel laravel

Laravel 5.5 install

composer create-project laravel/laravel blog  "5.5.*" --prefer-dist

To install Laravel 5.5 you need launch composer create-project as usual and you need to set the “dev-develop” version of the laravel/laravel package:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog dev-develop


  • laravel/laravel: is the package for Laravel installation;
  • blog: is the new directory for your new project (you can change it);
  • dev-develop: is the next version of Laravel.

Yuo can find more information here

I had the same problem.For me even

php artisan

did not work.

I fixed it with a simple

cd /my/project/foldercomposer updatephp artisan key:generate

in the console.

Hope this helps.